How To Generate Video Marketing Content For Your Business

How many times a day is your Facebook feed interrupted when someone goes live, talking about their business, something that’s happened in their day or to gather feedback around a subject?

Facebook Lives and video marketing in general is a hot trend right now because it works so well. Videos are a must right now for increasing engagement on your social media channels and can be worth their weight in gold when it comes to improving your reputation and credibility as a business owner.

Ideally you should be making at least one video or live appearance a week, but if you’re a little nervous about being in front of the camera and think you’ll struggle to manage that, a couple of videos a month can still make a big impact on your social media marketing.

How to generate ideas for social media videos

Picture of a video camera used to create live Facebook video marketingThe key thing when it comes to using video marketing with your social media is to just BE YOU!

Videos work so well because they introduce you, the person behind the business. Social media is a fantastic form of marketing, but people do business with people first and foremost, so making it easier for them to build a rapport with you is what makes video so fantastic.

You should aim to make at least one video that’s completely bespoke to you, i.e. an introduction to you, what you’re about and how you can help your target audience. It’s worthwhile making these kinds of video every so often, perhaps once a quarter, for new followers who may not have seen the previous one.

Share you and what you do

A good percentage of your videos should be around you and what you do to build that rapport with your target audience and start generating leads. Some great ways to do that include:

Host a Q & A session on one of your products or services

You can ask for questions in advance and do this as a Facebook or LinkedIn live video and take questions there and then too. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer to something, promise to look into it and that you’ll get back to them. Share your answer on the video thread and send it in a message to the individual that asked it too.

Treat your followers to a “how to” session

Maybe you regularly bake in your business as you create bespoke cakes for special occasions. You could share a top baking tip by actually showing them what to do – like making the perfect cream topping, for example!

Follow up social media questions with a video

If you’ve been asked a question on social media, why not turn your response into a video? You can do this as a live or a pre-recorded video to suit you, just make sure you link the video as a reply to the question in the original comment thread as well as tagging the individual that asked the question into the video upload.

Show a product in more detail

A great way to get across the unique selling points of your products is by showing them in more detail in a video. Showing close ups, in action shots and generally talking through the features of the product can be a great way to get that information across to your target audience.

Video content doesn’t have to be limited to your business activities

Pictture of a business owner being interviewed in front of a camera about video marketingThe great thing about video marketing is that anywhere you can take a phone you can make some content (within reason!) That means you can get creative with your video marketing and share some of the other aspects of your day-to-day life as a business owner.

Here are some more great ideas for video content.

Do a tour of your office/premises

If you have physical premises, making a video showing people around and “behind the scenes” can be a fantastic way to share a glimpse into you and how you make your business magic happen.

Take a video at a trade event

Whether it’s a trade fair, conference or a networking event, take a video with some sneak peaks of what your target audience are missing out on. This is a great opportunity to speak to other business owners and have them appear in your video, tagging in their followers to improve your reach.

Collaborate with an interview

Look at who you can collaborate with and do an interview with them to give your target audience some new tips and tricks. Zoom makes it easy to do this (you can have it live on Facebook and Zoom at the same time). You could interview an employee, someone you outsource to, another business owner from a related industry, etc.

Use a video to make an announcement

Maybe you’ve been nominated for a reward and you want to share the fantastic news with your social media followers. Video is a fantastic way to quickly hop on to your social media channels and share any news you may have.

Help to explain a new policy

If you work in an industry where new regulations and policies are coming out that may be confusing for your audience, you could break them down and explain them simply in a live video, answering any questions as they pop up.

Think about doing a weekly video that’s themed

For example, if you’re in the food industry you could pick an item of food to discuss each week. By picking a different theme each week, you’re allowing your audience to focus on that particular issue or topic and ask questions or give thoughts in a more structured way than opening up the floor with an “ask me anything” session.

There you have it, 10 video ideas you can start using today within your social media marketing. Hopefully they’ve given you some inspiration and you’re already thinking of some fantastic videos you can start making straight away.

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  1. […] Those are just a couple of examples, but the opportunities are endless. Where could you film a live stream from that’s a little different from the norm? Have a read of my blog on how to generate video marketing content for your business if you’re stuc… […]

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