A facebook business page where key sections are used for effective social media marketing

5 Time Saving Hacks For Social Media Marketing

One of the biggest complaints I hear from my clients about social media marketing is the amount of time it can take to write, schedule and monitor posts.

When you seem to have a never ending to do list, fitting in time for social media can be difficult especially if you’re using multiple channels to promote your business. If you’re not ready to outsource to a marketing professional, here are my 5 time saving hacks to help you keep on top of your social media. Read more

Picture of a phone next to a laptop open on Facebook ready for some marketing

What you need to know about marketing regulations

When you’re creating social media posts, blogs and other forms of marketing for your business, it can seem easy to just sit down and write what’s in your mind. In most cases, this will be absolutely fine but there are some marketing regulations you need to be aware of to stay the right side of the law.

First thing to do before planning and creating any marketing for your business, check out the government’s website full of guidance on marketing and advertising law. Read more

Angry client yelling down a phone following up a social media complaint

5 Ways To Handle Complaints On Social Media

We’ve all worried about the possibility of a complaint or negative review on a social media account at some point. It feels like just a few words from a disgruntled client can ruin the good reputation you’ve worked hard to build over time but here’s the thing…

complaints and negativity can be a fantastic way to prove that you’re great at customer service and your good reputation is more than deserved. Read more

Picture of social media icons with the word social spelled out on smartphone screens

11 Reasons To Outsource Your Social Media Today

Are you still unsure whether social media marketing is the right thing for your business?

Chances are that you’ve given things a go and have been struggling to get those followers, interactions and leads that you were hoping for from your efforts.

You might feel like you wasted your time creating content that is just echoing in an empty vacuum, right?

The thing is, social media can work extremely well for your business (it certainly has for mine!) but when you’re struggling to get things off the ground, outsourcing your social media marketing and management could be the answer you’re looking for. Read more

a picture of some written documents being proofread for accuracy, grammar and spelling mistakes to improve marketing

Proofreading Separates the Wheat From the Chaff – 5 Reasons Why You Need a Professional Proofreader

One service I offer that few people know about is proofreading.

Proofreading is one of those vital tasks every business owner should pay attention to, but many don’t.

Grammar, punctuation and spelling is important. Read more

What Makes a Leader Inspiring? Guest post by Kim Adele

Kim AdeleMy reflections on traits from some of the greats by Kim Adele, executive coach.

I was reflecting today on some of the leaders I have had the privilege of working with or for, who showed me about the leader I aspire to be and perhaps some who showed me the leader I would rather not be.  The common trait in those that inspired was their belief in those they lead, that ability to recognize a skill, a strength or a natural talent and to give it the opportunity to shine, to nurture, grow and evolve.  I was told a long time ago to recruit people who are skilled in areas where you need to develop and who need to develop in areas where you are skilled, that way the sum of the parts is greater than the individual elements and you all end up stronger and together you can achieve so much more.

Sometimes the greatest gift you can give is to believe in someone and give them the confidence to believe in themselves. Read more

Picture of analytics being viewed for social media marketing

How to Make the Best Use of Social Media Analytics For Your Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing is an effective way of getting exposure and generating leads for your business, but as with any marketing strategy, it’s only as effective as you are at evaluating and improving the tactics you use.

For social media that means regularly reviewing your analytics to see what’s working, what isn’t and figuring out the changes you should make to improve your strategy. Read more

Picture of a video camera used for small business marketing

3 Reasons Video Marketing Is Vital For Promoting Your Small Business

You can’t escape video marketing these days.

It seems that wherever you are there’s a Facebook live, Twitter video or an advert playing on your internet browser. Businesses of all shapes and sizes are using video as part of their marketing strategy and there’s a very good reason for that, it works! Read more

A sample layout you might find with a wordpress theme

Getting Started with WordPress – Guest Post by Sarah Banks

Before we launch into the steps for building your website with WordPress, I wanted to say a little something about the different between wordpress.com and wordpress.org. What I hear you say there are two versions? Yes Read more

Picture of a marketing strategist and their business client working out an online sales funnel together

Funnels and lead generation – does the salesy approach work?

Confused by funnels, landing pages and how that American style “salesy” stuff can work for your business?

Much of this is industry jargon, and chances are you’re already using a basic sales funnel to generate leads and customers for your business, regardless of what you do. Social media post linking back to your sales page is a good example, of this. But for the purpose of this blog I really want to delve into the nitty gritty of what these things are, and how using them the right way can really benefit your business. Read more