Are you a new business and unsure what marketing you should be doing?
Don’t worry, and most of all, don’t start dishing out the pennies to anyone else to do it for you just yet. You need a basic understanding of what you need to be doing for your business before you outsource to anywhere else.
You can either do the research yourself and try a few things to get an idea first, or you can hire someone like me, a marketing consultant who will take the time to get to know your business, what you want to achieve and the steps you can take to get there.
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Claire Saxton’s Social Media Basics – Facebook
in Social Media Marketing/by Claire SaxtonToday I want to explore using Facebook effectively for your business marketing. I think it’s fair to say that most of us have a Facebook account that we use to connect with friends and family. So, we naturally think that we must have a Facebook business page when we want to use social media for marketing, but this isn’t always the case.
In this blog, I’m going to guide you through using Facebook correctly, so you can get things off to a flying start.
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A guide to getting started with marketing for your small business
in Marketing Strategy/by Claire SaxtonAre you a new business and unsure what marketing you should be doing?
Don’t worry, and most of all, don’t start dishing out the pennies to anyone else to do it for you just yet. You need a basic understanding of what you need to be doing for your business before you outsource to anywhere else.
You can either do the research yourself and try a few things to get an idea first, or you can hire someone like me, a marketing consultant who will take the time to get to know your business, what you want to achieve and the steps you can take to get there.
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Claire Saxton’s Social Media Basics – Twitter
in Social Media Marketing/by Claire SaxtonTwitter is one of those social media channels that most people will say that you need a strong presence on for your small business to be successful. So, you sit down, and you create a profile and follow a few people… and nothing happens. You follow a few more, write a few tweets about what you do and wait some more… still no results.
Many of my clients have turned to me in frustration at not being able to make Twitter ‘work’ for them. Read more
A Basic Overview of Marketing and General Data Protection Regulation
in Marketing Strategy/by Claire SaxtonWe’re getting closer to the 25th May, and I think there are few small business owners out there that haven’t heard of GDPR. Something that hasn’t been discussed too widely regarding the update to Data Protection is the impact that GDPR will have on our marketing efforts.
I will say that I’m not a GDPR expert, and I’m certainly not a lawyer, so this is only my interpretation based on current ICO guidance and that of data protection lawyers sharing their expertise. I would recommend that you do your own research, ask the ICO questions and get as much knowledge as you can before making any decisions for your own business. Read more
The Story of Saxton Marketing – from marketing student to full-time mummy and business owner
in Blog/by Claire SaxtonI always think it’s difficult to really get your personality across on a website’s ‘about me’ page.
But behind the marketing persona lies the real person that you’re doing business with, and I feel it’s important to get a glimpse of who they are at every opportunity. I considered what was a good way for me to go in a bit more depth and figured that a blog telling you about me and how I came to start Saxton Marketing ltd would be a good idea.
So here it is!
Do let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about myself, or feel free to share your business story! Read more
Small Business Magnetism – how using lead magnets can grow your business
in Content marketing/by Claire SaxtonI’m not a fan of marketing jargon if I’m honest with you, but sometimes there’s just no escape, and if you’re anything like me, you’ve been seeing ‘lead magnet’ everywhere.
Let me break the mystery and guide you through what a lead magnet is, and why you need one to strengthen your digital marketing efforts. Read more
When was the last time you were Smart with your Marketing Strategy?
in Marketing Strategy/by Claire SaxtonIt doesn’t matter where you are in your business right now, or how far into a new year we happen to be, there’s never a better time to look at your business goals, marketing objectives and combine both into a strategy than ‘now’.
A SWOT analysis is a fantastic way of evaluating where you are and planning where you want to be.
Identifying your strengths, weaknesses, threats to your business and the opportunities available is a great way of seeing your market position at a glance. Read more